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About two months ago, I heard from a pop fan in Yugoslavia named Goran Vasovic who told me that he was in a band - Eva Braun. Anxious to hear pop from around the world, I became very excited at the prospect of what Eva Braun could do. I received their Pop Music release and, as you can tell from our review, was more than a little impressed. Mr. Vasovic also told me that if I liked that CD, then I'm sure to like the then-upcoming Heart Core even more. He's so right. With the benefit of hindsight, I can safely say that I foolishly expected more of the same from Eva Braun - a sort of playground of pop that jumps from style to style. Now, Eva Braun comes on with control, confidence, and a more consistent style that hits its mark every time. Oh yeah, these guys are first class songwriters, too. That helps. Eva Braun sings in their own language, but Pop Music was full of so many wonderful songs and arrangements that it really didn't matter if you didn't know just what these guys were saying. Well, that still stands with Heart Core and, thanks to the lyric sheet, may be prompted to teach yourself a little bit of Yugoslavian! The opening Heart Core comes on as a bit of a shock, but a very pleasant one, being a short raucous instrumental that owes more to the Mono Men than The Beatles. From here though, we go right into the purely pop world of Eva Braun with Lavirint featuring a beautiful melody and an effective reverb-heavy vocal loaded with style and charm. Ja To Radim Samo Kad Sam Sam is at least as good, thanks to the singalong quality (again, possible with the lyric sheet and a little bit of effort) and wonderful back-up vocals. A harder guitar sound comes through on Kanacno Sasvim Sama and represents the band further embracing the "power" in their pop. A great pop/rock track, the more aggressive guitar only enhances the song's tunefulness, supplying a tremendous hook. The guitars keep coming at you on Bubble Gum, with the band delivering a rocking chorus and biting rhythm. As far as vocal arrangements go, the highest point may be the jangly Mala Prodavnica Uzasa - a chorus guaranteed to keep you humming along. The band shows a more gentle side with Prisluskivanja where, again, Eva Braun makes the world a little bit smaller. I may not know what they are saying, but this convincing vocal has me believing every word! As evocative is Odevedi Me Iz Ovog Grada, with its moody guitar pattern and fine drumming (which is also put to the test on the upbeat and speedy Katatonija). On a more experimental side, Eva Braun succeeds with the spacey Santa Fe with its cool arrangement and effects. As a closer, Glas Sa Radija is very appropriate, pulling the entire Heart Core CD into one tight little piece. Here, we move from a pretty acoustic opening into a chorus driven by a harder groove, all delivered with a strong vocal doused in reverb to great effect. Eva Braun have made a great CD in Heart Core. That is, they have delivered a remarkably consistent set of songs adopting their new much clearer vision. Eva Braun have a sound that is now unmistakably their own. One of the best of the year, to be sure! Claudio Sossi |
POP MUSIC The best Brit-pop album never to come out of
the UK !!! Namerno remek delo
!!! Najmodernija pop
ploca u ovom delu Evrope 90-ih !!! Album godine !!! Najlepsi domaci
album devedesetih !!! Jedan od najboljih
jugoslovenskih pop sastava ! Pop
Music je praznik za usi i primer za ugled ! Pop
Music je nesto najbolje sto se tokom ove jezive
godine pojavilo u Srbiji. Gotovo svaka od pesama
zaokruzena je celina, doterana do najsitnijih detalja,
pedantno producirana i svedena na minimalisticku formu.
Ovaj album emituje atmosferu cistoce, pojma nepoznatog na
ovim prostorima ; nema onih
hajde-da-popunimo-prostor-numera, nema niceg
jevtinog sto bi ugrozilo citav projekat. Pop
Music kombinuje engleske harmonije i americki
minimalizam na krajnje profesionalan nacin. Pristojni,
urbani tekstovi, primeran dizajn koji mirise na laki
luksuz, upravo ono sto EVA BRAUN jeste i sto bi moglo
stati u jednu rec - elegancija. OBAVEZNO KONZUMIRATI ! Ploca kakva se kod
nas pojavljuje jednom u deset godina. Savrsene pop
melodije, uz pregrst posveta. Remek delo cetvorke iz
Beceja ! Pop
Music bi mogao biti etalon i obrazac kako treba
praviti muziku za najsiru publiku bez opasnosti da se
upadne u manirizam i samoponavljnje. Ovaj album
predstavlja himnu NJ. V. Popu ! Pop muzika sa velikim P
!!! Muzicko cudo iz
Beceja, EVA BRAUN, je stvorila album od cak 15 numera,
superiornih u svom zanru i na ovom terenu. Jedan od
najzrelijih albuma ove godine ! Pop
Music je album namenjen pravim ljubiteljima
kvalitetnog pop zvuka. Odavno se cekalo na dobar pop bend
koji bi mogao da bude predvodnik, a ovim albumom EVA
BRAUN je konacno pokazala da to mesto pripada njima. EVA BRAUN su
nedvosmisleno dokazali da nisu nikakav retro, vec zaseban
kosmos, moralna obaveza i eticka potreba svakog koji je
otkrio da pop muzika ne moze spasiti svet, vec ga moze i
mora uciniti boljim ! Pop
Music je album pozitivne emocije, potpuno svesno
decacki naivan da ispuni veliki prazan prostor u
sveopstoj agresiji danasnje YU scene. Slusalac dobija
utisak da EVA BRAUN svira samo za njega u praznoj, gluvoj
sobi, oko sest popodne. Pop
Music je glavni kandidat za izdanje decenije !!! Od domace muzike
slusam Ramba Amadeusa i EVU BRAUN ! Medju domacim
izdanjima bih izdvojio EVU BRAUN, kao jedan od retkih
nasih pop bendova sa idejom. EVA BRAUN je
najkvalitetnija i najpopularnija becejska grupa !!! Kao stanovnici
Beceja imamo zadovoljstvo da se pohvalimo cinjenicom da
iz naseg grada potice jedan od dva najznacajnija srpska
benda ( drugi su VIS IDOLI) !!!
Pop Music As adventurous as it is enjoyable, Yugoslavia's Eva Braun shines as an example of how Western music has influenced the world. Ranging from 60's jangle to twee-like innocence, Eva Braun's Pop Music ends up being a CD worthy of its catch-all title, and of your attention. 25 Avgust immediately grabs your attention by way of it's lovely vocal arrangement and hook-filled melody. Eva Braun explores slightly different territory on the upbeat Zmajevi, which also features a vocal with a great singalong quality. Even more upbeat is the wonderful Savim Obican Dan, drawing from the 60's pop well and throwing in a nice piano also. The hooks don't stop here, though. The desperate, choppy rhythm of Kopija makes it a highlight, and the hooks just don't quit on Sada Ne Znam Gde Sam Ne Znam Sta. As you've probably guessed by now, Eva Braun sing in their own language. Their delivery is always consistent with their sense of melody and timing, so I'd have to say that there are some tremendous instincts at work here. A particular delightful example is the lovely Krag Od Papira. This comes across sounding like a bass vocal sitting in with The Beach Boys, creating a terrific contrast while remaining very evocative. Veliki San has the same innocent quality to it as Krag Od Papira, but with a strong string arrangement helping things move along. A more sparse treatment is given to Cabaret Noir. Here, the strings reappear to accompany a lovely piano - all meshing wonderfully with the vocal. The adventurous side of the band doesn't stop there by any means. A saxophone accompanies some terrific vocal counterparts on Becej Nocu. Bryan Wilson features a clarinet that gives it a wonderful lounge sound, which isn't necessarily the type of thing one may associate with Mr. Wilson himself. I find this quite appealing. Eva Braun's paid tribute in their own way. They also appropriate a portion of Caroline Says into their pop-y Aljaska - letting Lou Reed know of his widespread influence as well. Eva Braun manages to deliver consistently throughout Pop Music and is quite a first effort. A clear vision is at work here, and it makes for some wonderful listening. Do yourself a good deed and, on the eve of their upcoming second release (titled Heartcore), get familiar with Eva Braun and their world of Pop Music. Claudio Sossi |